Storm Water Application

City Hall

Stormwater Credit Application

Account Information

Please enter your account information below.

I hereby request the City of Waterloo to review this application for a stormwater utility credit. By accepting the terms of agreement below, I understand that receipt of a stormwater credit is contingent upon my actions as follows:

  1. I must operate and maintain the Best Management Practices (BMP) as described in the Stormwater Management Credit Policy/By-law.
  2. Any information/documentation attached to this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
  3. I give the City of Waterloo the authority to review my application and/or documentation of the accuracy of my BMP's at any time.
  4. I give the City of Waterloo the authority to inspect any BMP on my property at any time, given proper notice, to ensure my BMP are performing in accordance with the stormwater credit program requirements. The City will schedule an inspection date and time that is mutually acceptable to both parties and I am allowed one (1) opportunity to reschedule.
  5. Failure to allow property access will result in the cancellation of any credit. Failure of a BMP's conditions and performance will result in the cancellation of any credit.

Note: To avoid difficulties with the application, please ensure you are using the latest version of your brower.